Image by Getty Images via Daylife
There is a simple lesson to be learned here - there are some things you just don’t mess with, some things the government just can’t let happen.
Congress averted another potential disaster this week, one that would have had rioting all across America - they postponed the mandatory change to Digital TV for 4 months. It’s said that millions across the country would have had their TV screens go black. Gods, it would have been awful! Just think of all those people out of work not even able to watch TV!
So our congress can make wise decisions when horrible disaster is on the line. Well, sometimes, anyway. The question is will they act to prevent the food riots we might have in the not too distant future?
As silly as it sounds, I think that something capable of knocking out TV across America for more than a week or two really might lead to large scale social unrest. Much like religion, I am convinced that TV serves to pacify the masses and keep them from asking questions.
It doesn't sound silly and I wasn't joking, even though a certain amount of sarcasm was present in my post.
The Russian's really did just sit back and take it until they ran out of cigarettes. And I really do think there would be riots without the pacification of TV. You just can't take away American's favorite distraction without dire consequences.
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